
How to Deal with Conflict and Codependency in a Relationship
We have all heard that conflict is inevitable in relationships. For couples who struggle with codependency, this simple phrase can stir up feelings of fear

How to Increase Emotional Intimacy?
How would you let your partner know what you need? When you think about intimacy, what comes to mind? Sex? Cuddling? The ability to share

Recognizing and Repairing Relationship Distress Signs
In every relationship, there are challenges of one type or another. All of us are flawed and imperfect, and in trying to maintain a long-term

Why Partners Stray: Untangling Infidelity
Anyone who has ever experienced infidelity with their partner can tell you how damaging it is, not only to the relationship, but to one’s overall

Narcissistic Abuse and Cultural Trends
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who is narcissistic? Even if you don’t know the exact clinical definition of the disorder, it

Reality Show Trends and Real-Life Influence
Millions of people around the world tune in to reality shows and have been watching for decades. What started out as an experiment has turned

What is the Impact of Social Media and Our Behavior? Positive?Negative?
Often when we think about the impact of social media on our behaviors, we think about the ways it effects other people rather than ourselves.

Codependency and Relationships
We hear the term “codependence” and codependency a lot, but what does it mean and how does it show up in relationships? Codependence is a

Trauma Bonding and How it Impacts Relationships
Have you ever heard of Trauma Bond? Traumatic events in our lives have a way of cementing themselves into our conscious and subconscious minds. When

Dr Teyhou Smyth on Business Talk Radio NYC
Here are three episodes of my radio show: How to Process Life Challenges and Respond; How to Practice Resilience and Deal With Stress; Surviving vs.

The Curse of The Narcissist
What is Narcissism and how to avoid narcissist abuse If you have gotten to know a person with narcissism, you are bound to recall how