Dr. Teyhou Smyth Presents at Therapy Reimagined 2019
Keeping a healthy mental and emotional state is just as important as maintaining physical health. Feeling good mentally and emotionally is as critical to performance as feeling good physically, which is why an increasing number of top companies are committing resources to workplace wellness programs (Forbes).
Without a doubt, the modern trend towards encouraging holistic wellness to support personal performance is helping people lead healthier, happier lives. Sadly, however, this has not always been the case.
In the past, psychological health has been stigmatized in a manner that has deterred many people from accessing the healthcare services that would help them live their best lives. Modern wisdom is urging healthcare towards a more integrative approach, and today’s most cutting-edge therapists are pushing themselves to reimagine what mental and emotional healthcare should be.
Therapy Reimagined is bringing modern therapists together to create a new vision for a healthier future while providing attendees with the most groundbreaking tools and newest methods for personal growth.
This year’s Therapy Reimagined conference specifically focused on topics that could both help mental health professionals improve the quality of their work and provide a greater degree of help for a greater diversity of populations.
Modern Therapists Rethinking Clinical Practice
The Therapy Reimagined conference attracted some of the best and brightest minds in psychology to Los Angeles this October 18th and 19th to break new ground in the landscape of mental health services. The purpose of the event was to find new and better ways to balance personal branding and marketing with tightly-held professional boundaries.
Attendees were challenged to look beyond the world of clinical intervention and question how their personal identities, their work as entrepreneurs, and their status as citizens of the world impacts their practice.
The event included dozens of interactive seminars designed to challenge and engage participants and presenters alike, including presentations on the ethics of personal branding, strong business practices for therapists, system and tools to improve clinical efficiency, and support for personal and professional self-care.
Among the distinguished presenters was Dr. Teyhou Smyth, who discussed the importance of managing stress and maintaining positivity as well as sharing some effective tools for boosting professional wellbeing.
Dr. Teyhou Smyth Provides Tools and Support for Managing Stress and Burnout
Self-care is often overlooked by clinicians, but it is paramount for effective clinical work. As a guest speaker at the Therapy Reimagined Conference, Dr. Teyhou spoke about managing burnout and stress management as it relates to the common personal and professional experiences of those in the mental health field.
At her workshop, Dr. Teyhou clarified the differences between professional impairment and stress. Dr. Teyhou described the different components of self-care and conducted a stress scale activity in order to determine the current level of functioning and burnout among clinicians.
This exercise equipped attendees with the necessary background context to bring about self-awareness regarding the potential for stress-induced professional impairment. Once participants generated a picture of how their personal care may be impacting their professional performance, Dr. Teyhou provided self-care strategies that mental health professionals could practice regularly in order to avoid burnout.
For example, Dr. Teyhou shared some of her own tools for integrating positive thinking into daily practice. Simple practices supporting positivity could help mental health professionals manage stress and improve performance.
As Teyhou shared, “Positive thinking is the foundation of our confidence levels and needs to be incorporated into our daily lives. Simple tips include focusing on your positive qualities rather than negative ones and challenging yourself when negative self-talk creeps in. Instead say something about yourself-retraining your mind to self-correct negativity will help establish a new habit that is far healthier.”
Improving Mental Health Practice with Better Self-Care
Mental health practitioners help their clients manage personal and professional stress in healthy and positive ways, but sometimes a long day of clinical work can leave a therapist feeling drained. Dr. Teyhou expressed the critical importance of clinicians “maintaining the best clinical tool that we have: ourselves.”
For many modern mental health professionals, reimagining therapy means considering their own needs alongside the needs of their clients and businesses. At this year’s Therapy Reimagined conference, Dr. Teyhou provided participants with insight into the importance of maintaining personal self-care and tools to help them maximize their own professional performance.